Thursday, May 19, 2011

I had a dream

I was playing some music this morning for some writing inspiration. I find that music can take away that writers block and and settle me into a productive mental state. Well, this morning I ended up in tears. Not from misery but pure happiness at an inspirational woman. I was checking out some musicals we played many years ago and came across a gorgeous performance.  I'm a bit behind the times as Susan Boyle became famous from her show on Britain's Got Talent a while ago. I had not got around to watching the episode on TV or following any of her journey into stardom. Well talk about a great story. The audience went from laughing at this contestants dream of becoming a famous singer to standing in ovation when she sang. The judges spoke about it being a privilege to listen to her. Give it a watch and feel the inspiration. She had a dream to become a professional singer and she well and truly is now. Check out her success in Wikipedia. Susan achieved Guinness World Record status with her success.

I'd stick the Youtube in but its been disabled. Use this link it'll get you there

This was her second performance of the same song. Wow.



Vicki said...

Hi Rowena,
I really like the way you 'do' life and the PHD simultaneously! I watched 'Ted' yesterday (daughters thought I'd be interested, their bio teacher told them about it, Sir Ken Robertson talking about how schools kill creativity, funny man, especially his comments about academics. If you've got a spare 20 minutes have a listen.
Have a good day,

Ro from Earthdownunder said...

Thanks Vicki. Ted talks are brilliant. Its great your girls are aware of these talks. Don't you love that a watch is becoming obsolete because it is a single functionary device. I enjoyed listening to the talk. I'd also take it a step further and suggest that home can also be an education factory. I see from your blog your home is soooo not a factory. Thumbs up. Its not just schools that need to create open learning.

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